London Museums

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The Old Operating Theatre






London's First Museum

The first Museum in Britain was John Tradescant's Ark in Lambeth.  The Tradescants (father and son) were plant hunters and collector's of Curiosities. The Museum included natural history objects as well as antiquities, and ethnography.  The collection was eventually, and somewhat controversially, inherited by Elias Ashmole, who set up the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford using Tradescant's Ark.  

The Tradescants are buried in St. Mary-At-Lambeth, which is now the Museum of Garden History.  Their tomb is fascinating, and found in the midst of the Museum's beautiful replica Knot Garden. For more on the history of Museums click here:

Sir Hans Sloane and the Foundation of the British Museum

The world's first great National Museum was created from another great collection of Curiosities.  The 18th Century Physician Sir Hans Sloane stored his collection in his house in Chelsea, formerly one of the many homes of Henry VIII. After Sloane's death the Government set up a Lottery to purchase the collection and house it at Montague House in Bloomsbury. The Sloane Collection forms the core of the British Museum, the Natural History Museum and the British Library.

The Origins of Museums Lecture .

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The Brunel Engine House

Museums run by or once managed or curated by Cultural Heritage Resources:

Bullet PointThe Old Operating Theatre Museum Bullet Point

Bullet PointThe Museum of Garden HistoryBullet Point

Bullet PointThe Brunel Engine House Bullet Point

Brunel Engine House




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Next Guided Walks:

Next walks for London Walks are:

Jane Austen's London Pub Tour 4 May 7.15pm Green Park Underground

Pub Crawl up the River Fleet on May 18
London Bridge to Bermondsey on July 13
The Archaeology of London Bridge on July 14
Roman Archaeology and Culture on Aug. 3
Chelsea on Sept. 28
Decline and Fall of Roman London on Sept. 28
Myths and Legends and the Origins of London on Oct. 5City Backstreets on Oct. 5
The City and the Blitz on November 23


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