‘And Did Those Feet’

Welcome to ‘And Did Those Feet’.

This site is about London, archaeology, folklore, history, literary history, and museums.

These are the latest posts from my ‘Almanac of the Year’

My original blogspot blog is here .

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And Did Those Feet has extensive experience of working in the heritage field. It has run several small museums, provided consultancy for many museums and leading heritage organisations. and managed many event programmes, lectures, walks, cultural study tours, and conferences.

Kevin Flude lectures at:

Central St Martins College on the M.A. For Narrative Environments course

I have worked on projects in collaboration with a range of organisations including the British Museum, Camden Council and the National Trust.

University of Westminster on the ‘Londinium to the Blitz’ module.

I recently gave a 10 week course on the History of Museums to Stevenage Art Society

I am a former Honorary Lecturer at UCL and Associate Lecturer at the University of Worcester on the Museums module.

More can be found on the heritage web site here:

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I have a huge range of Lectures, Guided Walks and Study tours which I do or have done. Currently, I am doing Study Tours for Road Scholar, Guided and Virtual Walks for London Walks and University courses for Central St. Martins.

Walks for London Walks

I do many guided and virtual walks for the marvellous London Walks. You can see my upcoming walks here:

Road Scholar Programmes

I am preparing a new season of study tours for Road Scholar with the programme:

 ‘Quintessential Britain’ which takes in London, Oxford, Bath, Stonehenge, Cotswold, Chester, Wales, Haworth, York, Edinburgh and other places en route. 



Britain’s Kings And Queens in Bite-sized chunks‘ Michael O’mara Books, 2021 (Reprint). Kevin Flude   To buy click here

As of 7/12/2022 this has sold 135,772 copies in 7 editions and formats (not counting audio)

Divorced, Beheaded, Died …the History Of Britain’s Kings And Queens in Bite-sized chunks’ Michael O’mara Books, 2009. Kevin Flude   To buy click here

The Four Humours of Shakespeare‘ Feedaread.com, 2014.  Kevin Flude To buy  email kpflude AT anddidthosefeet.org.uk

Citisights Guide to London. Ten Walks through London’s Past’ Virgin Books. 1991. Kevin Flude and Paul Herbert (republished 2001 Authors Choice Press)

To buy click here:

For my fictional works click here

In Their Own Words – A Literary Companion To The Origins Of London‘ D A Horizons, 2009.  Kevin Flude

To buy Kindle version click here.  To buy paperback click on the paypal link below or  email kpflude AT anddidthosefeet.org.uk


Cover of Kevin Flude's 'In their Own Words'
A Literary Companion to the origins of London

Archaeology – The Usborne Young Scientist’. Usborne 1984  Barbara Cork, Struan Reid, Iain Ashman, Dr Anne Millard and Kevin Flude

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For my fictional works click here


St Margaret of Antioch July 20th

St Margaret’s story is a horrifying chronical of torture and multiple attempts to kill her. I walked past the rerodos shown below at least weekly when I worked in the V&A, and always stared at this and wondered why medieval martyrdoms were so very bloody and, frankly, sadomasochistic. The reredos below is on display at …

Forecasting the Harvest & the Downfall of the Mayor of Casterbridge. St Swithin’s Day July 15th

It’s not just important for the farmer but, even more, for the corn factor, to get the weather right for harvest. If it rains on St Swithins Day it betokens rain for 40 days from 15th July. But the BBC tells us that, since records have been kept (1841) there has been no period of …

Twin, Twins – Festival of Castor and Pollux July 15th

The Divine Twins, aka the Dioscuri, were horsemen, patrons of calvary, athletes and sailors, one of many indo-european twin gods.   Pollux is the son of Zeus and Leda (raped by Zeus in the guise of a swan). His twin brother has a different and mortal father, the King of Sparta to the same mother, Leda.  …