May Gifts & New Brooms

May – Hawthorn Flowers

It’s bad luck to buy, make or use a new broom in May because:

Sweep with a broom that is cut in May
You’ll sweep the head of the house away.

But you can give good luck to a friend by leaving a branch of hawthorn flowers on the doorstep. But other woody messages were not so friendly according to traditional verses:

Alder for a scrowler; pear for the fair
Nut for a Slut; plum for the glum
Bramble if she ramble; gorse for the whores

It is basically rhyming slang, so no great wisdom involved, also I’m not sure quite how some of the rhymes work, and it does seem rather at the expense of women.

50th Anniversary of ‘Small Is Beautiful’

Dust jacket of fifth reprint of first edition, copyright 1973. Publisher Blond & Briggs. Jacket design by Andrew Sinc (wikipeidia)

It was, probably, mid 70s when I came across this book and, I think I can say, it had a lasting effect on my opinions. The book is about many things, but what it did for me was introduce sustainable development and the beauty of small scale innovation. Schumacher believed that resources were limited, that pollution represents an ever-increasing danger to society, and that appropriate scale innovation offered the best hope to create a fairer world.

He helped set up ‘the Intermediate Technology Development Group’, but found a better title in ‘Small is Beautiful’ for his book outlining his philosophy. ITDG became Practical Action, which is a charity that works around the world finding innovative solutions to real world problems.

To see Schumacher’s legacy have a look at the Practical Action web site or follow this link to see what it is doing, for example, in promoting ‘regenerative agriculture.’

I donate regularly, and maybe you might enjoy reading positive stories of human ingenuity in action around the world.