Time to gather yarrow which is often still flowering. It grows everywhere creeping through its roots and spreading with its seeds, until it becomes a garden weed.
Traditionally, it has a myriad of uses (see thefreedictionary for a comprehensive list). It was used for wounds (aka ‘Soldier’s Woundwort’); staunches nose bleeds (aka ‘Nosebleed’); inflammations (aka ‘Bloodwort’); hair lose, tooth-ache and good for those who cannot hold their water. But generally it was considered excellent for stomach problems, diabetes, periods pains, anything to do with blood flow.
It also has a devilish tradition so used for divination by spells, and thus aka Devil’s Nettle, Devil’s Plaything, Bad Man’s Plaything.
On a gentler note, lovers will put it under their pillow and dream, thereby, of their future spouse. (Mrs Grieve)
First published on 14 November 2022, revised 13 November 2023
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